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Zeitschrift fur Slavische Philologie
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie was founded in 1924 by Max Vasmer; it was continued by Margarete Woltner and Herbert Bräuer. Currently the journal is edited by Tilman Berger, Birgit Beumers, Walter Koschmal, Imke Mendoza, and Dirk Uffelmann.
The journal’s aim is the promotion of Slavic philology in its entirety, i.e. including all Slavic languages and literatures, and without narrowing down its scope to a certain field or methodology. The journal therefore includes traditional studies of literature and linguistics, but also visual culture, digital humanities, and other fields of Slavic cultural studies.
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie is above all designed for the international field of the Slavic scholar, but also addresses readers from other disciplines. Contributions are published in German, Russian or (American) English.